
Express VPN

Express VPN

Express VPN is one of the most important VPN software for the computer that works to hide your identity and enter from any country you want through strong and tight encryption that guarantees you to protect the network while browsing from harmful and malicious files, it works with the same mechanism of Hotspot Shield Elite in opening blocked sites from your country and the possibility of Doing voice and video calls other than chat applications, which some users have trouble using, especially in some Arab countries.

What is Express VPN?
The Express VPN program came to use programs to open blocked sites and applications, and therefore you can use any IP number from the country that you choose, it is a program that enables you to use a proxy in any country while you are in your country in order to show you your entry in the other country, where it is easy to use in your business And your contacts from friends and family.

ExpressVPN features

  • It gives you a private proxy from any country you want.
  • Hide your true identity completely and use a different IP number from the country you want to use.
  • It has more than 90 countries that you can choose to enter from.
  • Facilitate blocked internet chatting and calling applications in most Arab countries.
  • Does not cause slow internet connection.
  • Protect your original, personal data and privacy.
  • It works on all internet browsers such as Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • Supports all different versions of Windows.
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Disadvantages of Proxy Express VPN

  • Pilot program only, and you must purchase activation codes after the trial period has ended.
  • You must register a personal account on it in order to use it.

How to install Express VPN

Click here to download Express VPN program for free

Second: The following window will appear with you, choose Yes.

Third: Choose Continue as in the following image

Fourth: The program will ask you to set up a personal account on it, click on Set Up ExpressVPN.

Fifth: Wait a moment for you to be logged into your ExpressVPN account to start using it.

Sixth: The program will ask you to decide if you want to open it automatically when you start the computer each time, choose what suits you.

This way, the Express VPN program installed on your computer has finished successfully

How to use ExpressVPN

The way to use the program is quite easy, as in the main window of the program you will find the Click To Connect icon, click on it whenever you want to use the program.

In the icon shown in the following image, you can click on it to choose the country from which you want to use a private IP, many countries will appear to you choose one of them, and then click on Connect

The icon will appear in green, which indicates the successful connection to Express VPN from the country you selected.

Thus you can use the program with ease from anywhere in the world you want, the program will help you to open blocked sites for reasons related to policies or communications and other reasons that it is possible not to open sites in your country, and you can also use it to run online chat applications such as Messenger, WhatsApp and other applications that May not work in a number of Arab countries for the reasons of the telecommunications agreements.

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