
Wireless Issues Basic Troubleshooting

Wireless Issues Basic Troubleshooting

Having troubles connecting to your network

You have to make sure from the following:
1- You can see ur network name (SSID)
2- When it connects you enter your network key (password)
3- WLAN Lamp in the router is on
4- WLAN button in the laptop is on
5- No External application is managing the wireless…set the wireless to be managed by windows as default
6- Try to enter router page and change network name and network key and see if that solves the problem

Best Regards


قد يهمك أيضاً الأطلاع على:  TP TD-W8950ND
Deference between 802.11a , 802.11b and 802.11g
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA and WPA2)

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